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Showing posts from October, 2014

I signed up to a few years ago. I'll admit I'm not a hardcore user - more of a sporadic on again off again user - but I am kinda disappointed that I haven't won anything since the first week I signed on. I won a $25 gift card to Golf Town - which naturally ended up in my husband's wallet - but still it was exciting getting a free gift card in the mail and having your name scroll across their website as a winner. Part of me still thinks it was a "sign on" gimmick to get me to continue using their site. I mean, who wouldn't go back and try, try, try again after getting something for free?! The theory behind many of these sites is that unknown variable that you MIGHT just be the next big winner (its like the lottery) and they sucker you into coming back day after day to test your luck. So like many I click on those pretty green "participate now" buttons in hopes that I'll win something; and occasionally I'll blow a few toke...


What This Is All About Lately I've been scouring the web for freebies (contests, giveaways, etc.) and wanted a place to report back on not only my findings, but also my 2 cents on the products themselves. My plan is to include product reviews, feedback on contest websites, and more than likely you'll also see advertisements courtesy of the contests themselves! Get Reviewed If you have a product you'd like me to review, feel free to get in touch. I plan on reviewing everything from music to websites to shampoo and pretty much anything in between.


Image courtesy of: SnapKnot - Find a photographer